Thank you for your patience as we work through this extreme cold. Stay Warm!

When Should I Buy My Heating Oil?

The dog days of August might not be the time you typically spend a lot of time thinking about heating oil – but perhaps you should, especially this year!

Our Pricing Programs Protect You From Heating Season Spikes

Since so many unpredictable factors affect the price of heating oil (the weather, politics, and global market forces, to name three big ones), you need some way to minimize the risk of runaway oil prices.

That’s why Southville petroleum offers price protection to help keep your heating oil bills off the rollercoaster.

What Options Are Available?

1. Fixed Price Program

Once you enroll in our fixed price program, you don’t have to worry because your price will be locked in at one set rate for the entire season. No matter how high prices may go in the winter, your price will stay protected.

However, if market prices should fall below the fixed rate, your price will not change because we purchase fuel for you from our suppliers at the time we lock in your price. There is NO FEE associated with this program—it’s entirely for your benefit!

2. Capped Price Program

Our Capped Price Program limits how much your price can rise, but not how far it can fall; if our retail price drops below the capped price, you pay whichever is lower! Each year, the capped price is determined by the retail market price. This program runs from September through the following May.

There is a one-time enrollment cost of $99 for this program because our suppliers charge us a premium for offering the “insurance” that allows us to keep your fuel price from skyrocketing, while also giving us the flexibility to lower your price should retail market prices fall.

The Capped Oil Price Program does not guarantee you will always save money. However it does give you more stability and protection against any potential price shocks!

3. Monthly Budget Plan

If you want to add further predictability to your fuel costs, then you’ll want to consider our monthly budget plan payment program. Sign up for this plan, at no charge, and we can spread out your annual fuel payments for as long as 11 months!

There’s Even More Ways To Cut Heating Bills in 2021-2022!

If saving money on your heating bills is a priority for you (as it is for most of us), there are more ways to do it than simply locking in your heating oil price. Try these tips to save more on your energy bills in the coming months:

Need reliable heating oil deliveries or professional service for the oil-fired equipment in your Suffolk County home? Call the pros at Southville Petroleum! Contact us today to become a Southville customer or to schedule a service visit or delivery.