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What Is the Proposed New York Carbon Tax?

Exploring Less Expensive Ways to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Residents of New York State got shocked by spiking energy costs this winter—heating oil, gasoline, and electricity prices were all driven up by a perfect storm of weather, supply chain problems and the geopolitical situation in Ukraine. While the energy market always fluctuates, and prices should, eventually, come down. It’s increasingly hard on families and businesses right now—families and business still trying to recover from the economic effects of the COVID pandemic.

Meanwhile, there’s a misguided effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by pushing homeowners and businesses to convert their heating to electric-powered heating systems. One of the ways New York State is trying to force this change is through a “carbon tax” that will cost families and business owners an estimated $21,900 over ten years. That’s without factoring in the price of converting to electric heating systems, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Here’s the problem: The proposed carbon tax levies the least amount on electric usage. But when it comes to heating your home, electricity costs more—and impacts the environment more.

Combatting Climate Change Through Cleaner Oils & Breakthrough Fuels

We’re all in favor of combatting climate change. The problem is, more than 90% of the coal used in the United States goes towards electricity production. Only the transportation sector creates more greenhouse gases.

More than 63% of our electricity comes from burning fossil fuels, mostly coal and natural gas. Even if renewable power is available, the U.S. is not close to meeting its goal yet; we’re still stuck with environmentally destructive forms of electricity, and until that eventually changes, heating with electricity cannot be considered the best option.

Thanks in part to the transition to ultra-low-sulfur blends, heating oil is playing a leading role in the drive towards clean energy. Particulate emissions have been reduced significantly from the already low levels of the past few decades. New heating oil systems now burn fuel 99.9% cleanly, according to studies conducted at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven Laboratory.

Heating oil also generates a very high number of BTUs of heat energy per gallon, so it will warm your home reliably—and more evenly. Modern, efficient heating-oil systems in well-insulated homes can help homeowners achieve the same amount of warmth while using much less fuel!

Does it make sense to switch to a less efficient heating fuel when there are safe and clean-burning fuels to help keep your home and family comfortable, even on the coldest nights?

Nassau and Suffolk County residents in Long Island trust Southville Petroleum for dependable delivery of cleaner-burning, efficient heating oil all year-round. Become a customer today and experience the difference we can make for your Long Island home or business.