The “heating season” used to start in late October in our area, but over the past few seasons it’s been much less predictable. With temps in the 70s well into November, people may find their heating costs will be lower this year simply because they didn’t need to crank up their heat until much later in the season. That makes it trickier to predict how much heating oil you might need—and how much you might spend—over the course of the winter and early spring.
Of course, there’s no crystal ball for winter weather, and every home is different when it comes to insulation and staying warm. So how can you budget for your winter heating oil needs?
As a general rule of thumb, a heating system that’s running properly should use between 0.8 and 1.7 gallons of oil per hour during cold weather. Improving efficiency is a proven way to keep your fuel use on the low side of that range.
Some people hear “save energy” and think it means turning down the thermostat and layering on the sweaters instead of feeling comfortable in their home. While that’s one way to do it, a smarter way to stay warm all season while keeping heating costs under control is with energy efficiency. That means making it easier for your furnace or boiler to do its job. The harder it has to work to warm your home, the more fuel it will burn. (That’s why good insulation improves efficiency.)
High efficiency heating equipment in a well-sealed and well-insulated home will use less fuel than an aging boiler or furnace in a drafty house, no matter how cold it gets. But a new heating system may not be in your plans this year.
Here are a few easy, no-cost things you can do to improve efficiency:
There are also several low-cost ways to make your home more efficient:
Southville offers plenty of options to help you manage costs no matter what happens with prices or how cold it gets.
No matter how much heating oil you may need, you want a company that puts customers first. That inherently means offering fair, transparent pricing, but it also means offering true reliability, and on-time deliveries. Find out why so many homeowners and businesses across central Long Island choose Southville. Contact us for more information or to schedule a delivery today.