At Southville Petroleum, our expert technicians, friendly customer service team, and dedicated drivers work hard every day to deliver on our commitment to provide excellent and personal heating service and peace of mind throughout the fall, winter, and early spring. The question is: how well are we doing it? If you’ve had a visit from the Southville Petroleum crew recently – whether for a heating oil delivery for your home, an ultra-low-sulfur diesel delivery for your Long Island business, expert heating equipment service for your oil-fired furnace, boiler, or burner, or any of the other convenient services we offer, we would […]
The 2018 holiday season is here, and most of us are eager to get in some quality time with our friends and family in our warm and comfortable Long Island homes.
As busy as we seem to get these days, it’s easy enough to forget a “little thing” like remembering to check the fuel gauge on our heating oil tank. The only problem is running out of heating oil isn’t a “little” problem.
Temperatures are dropping here in fast here in Long Island; before you know it we will be in the heart of heating season – and you will have the heating bills to prove it.
If you use heating oil to heat your Long Island home, you may already be aware of the problems associated with heating oil sludge – a thick black mixture of dirt, rust, and oxidized fuel that can block your fuel filter.
Looking for a cleaner, greener way to heat your heating oil-fired Nassau or Suffolk County home next winter? If you’re a Southville Petroleum customer, you already have it (and if you’re not, it’s a great reason to join the Southville Petroleum family).
Chances are you several times a year, then store it until it’s ready to be used. But how long can heating oil stay “fresh” for, and what happens if you burn heating oil that has been sitting in your tank for too long? The good news is that common No. 2 heating oil has a typical shelf life of about 18-24 months, so there is no need to panic if you didn’t finish up all your fuel after last heating season. Although older oil can still be used, over time its ability to generate heat diminishes; if burning your older […]
Well, it appears we’ve finally emerged from heating season (appropriate, considering that it’s almost June), but before you wave goodbye to your heating system for good – or at least for a few months – there are a couple of things you should do to put a bow on 2017-18.
It’s a question we get asked every year: “How much will I pay for my heating oil?” Although we hate to admit it, the honest answer is “we just don’t know.”
People throughout the U.S. have been using heating oil to heat their homes since the 1920s, but it remains a misunderstood fuel source to this day.